Introducing the Bible - an 8 week seminar
If you would like to find out about the Bible, then our seminars are for you.
Concise and informative sessions are delivered in a friendly and comfortable environment. They aim to equip you with the skills required to understand scriptural teaching for yourself and benefit from a new appreciation of the Bible.
When and Where:
Tuesdays at 7:30pm (starting 1st October 2024)
at St Leonard’s Community Centre, 4 Bramcote Lane, Wollaton, NG8 2ND
Fridays at 7:30pm (starting 4th October 2024)
at Sherwood Community Centre, Mansfield Rd, Sherwood,
What you will learn:
God - His existence, His personality, His character
The Spirit of God
The promises of God - in Eden, to Noah, Abraham and David
Human nature - the soul, the spirit of man, life after death, judgment
The Kingdom of God - what it is, its past and its future
Evil - the devil, satan, demons
Jesus - his origin, his humanity and nature and his work
Baptism - its meaning, the need for baptism
Life in Christ - holiness, politics, worldly pleasure, christian life
Study - preaching, reading, fellowship, breaking bread, marriage